COMPANY SECRETARIAL SERVICES - Preparation, attending and minute taking for board or committee meetings
- Preparation of Agenda papers, Notices and drafting of Minutes of the meetings
- Routine and non-routine company secretarial services for private, public and other types of companies
- Maintenance of statutory registers
- Filing of annual returns and accounts
- Preparation and filing of forms relating to any changes in your company such as change of director’s, registered address etc
- Change in registered Office
- Extension of Annual General Meetings
- XBRL Filings of Financial Statement
- Preparation of Share Certificates, transfers, share splits etc.
- Increase in Authorised Share Capital; Change of name; Change in object clause;
- Registration of charges, search and status report
- Issue of ESOP’s, Rights Issue, Private Placement as per Companies Act 2013
- Alteration in Articles of Association by incorporating clauses as mentioned in joint venture agreement/shareholder agreement